When is Sawan in 2021: Sawan Kab Hai Date in Hindi Calendar

When is Sawan in 2021: सावन कब हैं इस वर्ष में?

The month of Sawan, also known as Shravan, holds great significance in the Hindu calendar, especially for devotees of Lord Shiva. Sawan usually falls between July and August in the Gregorian calendar. In 2021, Sawan begins on Monday, July 26, and ends on Sunday, August 22. During this month, devotees observe fasts, visit Shiva temples, and offer prayers to seek the blessings of Lord Shiva.

Significance of Sawan:

Sawan is considered an auspicious month in the Hindu calendar, particularly for Lord Shiva devotees. It is believed that worshiping Lord Shiva during Sawan brings peace, prosperity, and fulfillment of desires. The devotees perform special prayers, offer water, milk, and bel leaves on Shiva Lingam, and observe fasts every Monday, known as “Sawan Somvar.”

The Auspicious Mondays of Sawan:

The Mondays of the Sawan month, also known as Sawan Somvar, hold immense significance. It is believed that worshiping Lord Shiva on these Mondays brings divine blessings and fulfills wishes. Devotees observe fasts, visit Shiva temples, and participate in spiritual activities.

Rituals and Traditions of Sawan:

During Sawan, devotees engage in various rituals and traditions to seek the blessings of Lord Shiva. Some of the common practices observed during this holy month include:

1. Fasting: Many devotees observe fasts on Mondays and avoid consuming food made with salt. Fasting is believed to purify the mind and body and strengthen the bond with Lord Shiva.

2. Abhishekam: Offering Abhishekam to Shiva Lingam with water, milk, honey, ghee, curd, and other sacred items is a common practice during Sawan. It is said to bring prosperity and remove obstacles from one’s life.

3. Recitation of Mantras: Chanting “Om Namah Shivaya” and other sacred mantras dedicated to Lord Shiva is believed to invoke divine blessings and protection.

4. Visiting Shiva Temples: Devotees visit Shiva temples, especially the 12 Jyotirlingas, during Sawan to seek the blessings of Lord Shiva. It is believed that prayers offered with devotion during this month are highly auspicious.

5. Offering Bel Leaves: Bel leaves are considered sacred in Shiva worship. Offering Bel leaves on Shiva Lingam is believed to please Lord Shiva and fulfill the wishes of the devotees.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):

Q1: Can anyone observe fasts during Sawan?
A1: Yes, anyone can observe fasts during Sawan, regardless of age or gender. It is a common practice among devotees of Lord Shiva.

Q2: What is the significance of offering water to Shiva Lingam during Sawan?
A2: Offering water to Shiva Lingam symbolizes purification and devotion. It is believed to please Lord Shiva and bring blessings to the devotees.

Q3: Are there any specific foods to be consumed or avoided during Sawan fasts?
A3: During Sawan fasts, many devotees opt for a simple diet and avoid foods made with salt. Fruits, dairy products, and light meals are preferred.

Q4: Why are Mondays of Sawan known as “Sawan Somvar”?
A4: Mondays are dedicated to Lord Shiva, and during the month of Sawan, they hold special significance. These days are called “Sawan Somvar” and are considered highly auspicious for worship.

Q5: How can one make the most of Sawan in terms of spiritual growth?
A5: To make the most of Sawan, one can engage in daily prayers, meditation, chanting of mantras, visiting temples, and practicing acts of kindness and compassion. It is a time for spiritual growth and inner reflection.

Q6: What are the benefits of chanting mantras dedicated to Lord Shiva during Sawan?
A6: Chanting mantras like “Om Namah Shivaya” during Sawan is believed to invoke the blessings of Lord Shiva. It can bring peace of mind, spiritual upliftment, and protection from negative influences.

Q7: Is it necessary to visit Shiva temples during Sawan, or can one worship at home?
A7: While visiting Shiva temples during Sawan is considered auspicious, one can also worship Lord Shiva at home with devotion and sincerity. The key is to offer prayers with a pure heart.

Q8: How can one maintain the sanctity of Sawan throughout the month?
A8: To maintain the sanctity of Sawan, one can uphold the vows of fasting, engage in regular prayers, practice acts of charity, and cultivate a sense of gratitude and humility.

Q9: Are there any specific prayers or hymns recommended for Sawan devotion?
A9: Apart from chanting “Om Namah Shivaya,” hymns like “Shiv Tandav Stotram,” “Rudrashtakam,” and “Mahamrityunjaya Mantra” are considered powerful for invoking the blessings of Lord Shiva during Sawan.

Q10: How can one seek forgiveness for past wrongdoings and start anew during Sawan?
A10: Sawan is a time for introspection and seeking forgiveness. One can practice self-reflection, sincere repentance, and resolve to rectify past mistakes. Offering prayers with a contrite heart can help in seeking forgiveness and starting afresh.

In conclusion, Sawan is a sacred month in the Hindu calendar that offers devotees an opportunity to deepen their spiritual connection with Lord Shiva. By observing fasts, performing rituals, and engaging in devotional practices, devotees seek blessings, peace, and fulfillment in their lives. May this Sawan be filled with divine grace and prosperity for all who observe its traditions.

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Kavya Patel
Kavya Patel
Kavya Patеl is an еxpеriеncеd tеch writеr and AI fan focusing on natural languagе procеssing and convеrsational AI. With a computational linguistics and machinе lеarning background, Kavya has contributеd to rising NLP applications.