
In a groundbreaking discovery, a man from Rajkot has been found to possess an extremely rare blood type. The news has taken the medical world by storm, and the story has already been picked up by news outlets all around the globe. Rajkotupdates.news was one of the first to report on this truly remarkable find, and we are excited to bring you all the details of this fascinating story.


A man from Rajkot has been found to possess a blood type so rare that it has only been discovered in ten other people worldwide. The discovery has left the medical community in awe, and doctors are now scrambling to learn everything they can about this incredibly rare blood type.

A new discovery rocks the medical world

The discovery of this rare blood type has sent shockwaves through the medical world. Researchers are now eagerly studying this man’s blood to see if it can provide any clues about how to treat diseases or conditions that have perplexed medical professionals for years.

EMM-negative blood group found in Rajkot

The blood of the Rajkot man has been classified as EMM-negative, which means that it lacks one of the antigens that are usually found in blood. This makes it an incredibly rare blood type, and one that has only been discovered in a tiny number of people worldwide.

Rajkotupdates.news reports groundbreaking discovery

Rajkotupdates.news was one of the first news outlets to report on this remarkable discovery, and we are proud to have brought this exciting story to the world. We will continue to follow this story closely and bring you all the latest updates as they become available.

Medical breakthrough: 11th case of this blood group worldwide

The discovery of this rare blood type is being hailed as a major medical breakthrough, as it is the 11th such case that has been discovered worldwide. This is an incredibly rare condition, and one that has puzzled medical professionals for years.

Rajkot man’s rare blood group baffles doctors

Doctors in Rajkot are still trying to understand the implications of this rare blood type. They are studying the man’s blood carefully to see if it can provide any insights into how to treat diseases or conditions that have previously been thought untreatable.

Shocking discovery: A rare blood group found in Rajkot

The discovery of this rare blood type is truly shocking, and it has left the medical community in awe. The fact that it has been found in a man from Rajkot is even more remarkable, and it is a testament to the incredible work being done by researchers in this part of the world.

Rajkot man possesses an extremely rare blood type

The Rajkot man’s blood type is so rare that it is almost unheard of. This makes it an incredibly valuable resource for medical researchers who are looking for ways to treat diseases and conditions that have previously been thought untreatable.

Rajkot man’s rare blood group stumps physicians

The discovery of this rare blood type has left physicians in Rajkot scratching their heads. They are still trying to understand the full implications of this discovery, and they are studying the man’s blood carefully to see if it can provide any clues about how to treat other rare conditions.

The world’s 11th known case of rare blood group discovered in Rajkot

The discovery of this rare blood type is only the 11th known case worldwide, and it is a major breakthrough in medical research. The fact that it has been discovered in Rajkot is a testament to the incredible work being done by researchers in this part of the world.

Rajkot man’s blood could hold the key to medical research

The Rajkot man’s rare blood type is a valuable resource for medical researchers, who are now studying it carefully to see if it can provide any insights into how to treat other rare conditions. The potential implications of this discovery are truly staggering, and it is an exciting time to be involved in medical research.

The discovery of this rare blood type is an incredible achievement for medical research, and it is a testament to the incredible work being done by researchers in Rajkot and around the world. We will continue to follow this story closely and bring you all the latest updates as they become available.

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Kavya Patel
Kavya Patel
Kavya Patеl is an еxpеriеncеd tеch writеr and AI fan focusing on natural languagе procеssing and convеrsational AI. With a computational linguistics and machinе lеarning background, Kavya has contributеd to rising NLP applications.